Distribution of blood pressure apparatus and nebulizer kits to barangay health workers of Bantog, Ariston East & West.
Distribution of blood pressure apparatus and nebulizer kits to barangay health workers of Bantog, Ariston East & West.
Distribution of school supplies in Asingan North Central School with Mayor Heidee Chua
Distribution of school supplies in Barangay San Vicente Este Elementary School with Mayor Heidee Chua.
Mayor Heidee Chua distributed school supplies to pupils of Don T. Bauzon Elementary School The mayor said the provision of free school supplies aims to encourage children of school age to value education by assuring them that they have the full support … Continue reading
Mayor Heidee Chua last Monday, June 16 2014, jump-started the distribution of free school supplies to Kinder, Grade 1 & 2 pupils of Narciso Ramos Elementary School . According to our Mayor, the free school supplies will also be distributed to other … Continue reading
Distribution of Tilapia fingerlings
Ribbon cutting at sitio Pugong, Ariston East with the brgy. Council headed by Punong Barangay Rene Villanueva, the bhws and cvos and the people of Ariston East.To God be the glory! Arya Asingan
Mission Accomplished! Thank you to all our partners in service. The Brgy. council of Toboy headed by PB Bryan Dalid. Free Legal aid by Atty.Dennis Libunao. Medical team: Dr. Ronnie Tomas; Dr. Julian Rose; Dr. Leo Guerrero with the Dental … Continue reading
The three-day training, a project of Villar Foundation in cooperation with non-governmental organizations that helps empower the women’s sector, trained participants how to weave using water lily stalks and produce personal products such as sandals, shoes, handbags and shoulder bags. … Continue reading